Holidays are known for being the happiest time of the year, but if you are a student at the University of Texas, then you know the holidays can be pretty heavy on the heart. Holidays are the time where you have to spend an entire month away from your Longhorn friends and even harder, Austin.
You finish your last final and feel like you’re on top of the world, because you now have an entire month of no homework or studying.

It comes the time to say goodbye to your friends, and it nearly breaks your heart. You physically don’t know how you’re going to handle the separation.

On your way home, you can’t help but get that excited feeling of being home and having all the time in the world to treat yo’ self.

When you get home, the first thing you do is jump in your bed because it is even more comfortable after not being slept in for months.

You feel unbelievably spoiled as your family makes you home cooked meals of all your favorites, and you got your eye on it all.

Finally, you are reunited with your hometown best friends and it seems like no time has passed at all.

You and your hometown friends spend much needed time catching up on all any any drama that has happened over the past three months.

The rare moment arises that a party in your hometown comes up, so when you arrive you make sure to look your absolute best.

At the party, the weird kids from your high school attempt to catch up with you and your fabulous Austin life despite your blatant lack of interest.

Then the inevitable and tragic moment happens: you run into your ex.

When you can tell people are pretty over listening to what an amazing life you have at UT, you give them the benefit of the doubt and attempt to listen to them share their boring stories from their boring colleges.

After a few too many drinks, the unrequited drama of summer seems to rise to the surface, and you can’t help but be glad that you’ll only be stuck here for a month.

The horrible yet inevitable moment arises where you realize you don’t fit in with your hometown anymore because you are far too superior and weird like Austin meant for you to be.

Your parents start reprimanding you for being too hungover/sleeping in too late as if waking up at noon on the weekends isn’t waking up early in college time.

During the actual holidays, you are subjected to spending time with your relatives who take it upon themselves to question you on every facet of your life, expecting excruciatingly specific details.

It gets to the moment during break where you realize you’re better left off only hanging out with yourself until you get to go back to UT.

Then the real hometown boredom hits, and it hits strong.

Looking at your calendar and realizing you only have a few days left of break, you suddenly realize you have accomplished absolutely nothing all break.

But it’s time to go back to the best place on Earth and you can’t contain your excitement. So long, hometown, you’re off to the best city in the world.

Let’s keep Austin weird, shall we?