Burnt Orange, Campus & ATX, Featured, Lists 50 Reasons Why UT Is The Best School In The Country Chief LonghornDecember 24, 2013 10:06 pmApril 26, 20160 41758 shares Facebook Twitter Pinterest SMS 28. And win! 27. Because that’s what we do. Even in the most crucial moments. 26. So, we sing Texas Fight! 25. For it’s Texas that we love best. 24. And, we give ’em hell. And, give ’em hell. 23. Because OU sucks! 22. Just ask Snoop Dogg 21. Or Hank & Bobby Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Previous Article21 Aggies Traditions That Make Absolutely No SenseNext ArticleBeyoncé is a Longhorn and Bleeds Burnt Orange